
Saturday, May 21, 2005

That's All Folks! 

So, this is it. In a few hours my freedom is over and drum corps. begins. I know my big is going to read that and he will get chills thinking about this upcoming season. But right now all of the fears are in me. I'm going to get them out before I go to bed. I have to decide this is what I want to do, because as my band director taught me, I can do anything...that I want to do. Time has flown by! I pray I'm ready for this, but no turning back. I think about competition and I get excited! There is a certain someone out there that I did not get to talk to before tonight, and if she reads this then great, but I'm going to get this out of my system now, so hold on people:

To this person, I like you. I've liked you ever since we were Freshman in high school. I was either too scared to tell you, or when I would finally build up the nerve you were dating someone else, and I couldn't tell you then. You are the only girl I've ever been attracted to that I could feel comfortable around. Any girl I've dated or been interested in had to live up to you as a standard, and none have passed. I don't know what else I can say, except that I love you. You are a wonderful friend, and if that's all we'll ever be then fine, but I would love to have a chance at more...

Ok, I feel better about that, now if I can get the balls to tell her in person or even on the phone. Well, time to meditate before sleep. I'll catch you all in about 3 months on here, so take it easy and don't forget to BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

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