
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

But I miss you most of all my darling...when Autumn Leaves start to fall... 

Well, the summer is about halfway over, and it has been an experience. Being out in the work force for the first time has been ah..."special" experience. A person can be intelligent, but people are idiots. But it is nice to make money and save it, instead of having bills to pay...until school starts *sigh*.

But the title refers to my Bluecoats, I miss marching. I'm glad I experienced it and I know I aged out when I needed to, but last night I got to see them at the Lexington show and they were awesome! Blue Stars and Cavilers were also great and I enjoyed their shows too. But to the point, after the show I went to the Bluecoat housing sight to take some powdered gatorade and Ale-8 to the contra section. I realized at the show that I only know 4 of the contras this year out of 11! But when I got there Dudley rounded up as many of them as he could, which turned out to be 4 new guys and himself. It was great standing around and talking with them and remembering last summer, but the best feeling was the fact that they were listening to me talk. Last summer I didn't do very much of that, since I was the one new to the activity, but now I was an alumni, a vet. They were standing there listening and seeming to enjoy what I was saying, that or being polite since I brought them Ale-8 :D, but I believe the first half. It almost makes me wish I got to march 2 years instead of just one, but my life has been so full of wonderful things that I can't change the things that have happened...I wouldn't change the things that have happened.

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