Sunday, February 13, 2005
Band Clinic...woot...
So I wish I was sleeping right now, but thanks to this nose bleed I'm having right now that's not going to happen. Only one more day of band clinic, and I have to say it's ran fairly smooth. Tonight at the prism concert they had the "Directors Band" perform, which was made up of the High school directors, MSU alumni, MSU faculty, and members of Symphony Band. The did very well, and the first piece they played was called "The Sinfonians", and yes it's just what you think it is. We heard parts of "Hail Sinfonia" through out the piece, so we thoroughly enjoyed. After the prism concert, me, Tharp, my lil, and Dustin Austin (another probie) went out to Pops' house to relax and watch a movie. Barry Milner has been staying with Pops this entire weekend so he joined us soon after we got there. And after watching Duke get beat by Maryland, we watched "The Day After Tomorrow", which is a really good movie for those of you who haven't seen it. It's nice to have a lil to do things with, and tomorrow we are having a Family Tree dinner here in Fields, so it will be nice to finally have a conversation with my lil one on one and get to know everything about him. I love the probationary semester! Well, I think my nose is almost out of blood to spill, so till next time, take it easy!
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