Friday, September 17, 2004
The New Beginning
Ah, so I've been in school for 4 weeks now, and things are going well. Still trying to get into a groove of juggling my time, but it's getting better. Dr. Baker is happy with my playing and my sound. Yay for improving! Theory 4 is fun with Dr. Viton, yay for the last semester of theory! Mr. Norden is beautimous in class woodwinds, and playing the clarinet isn't so bad. The gen. ed.'s I have or a CIS 101 and BIOL 105. I have both of these with my big and they are going well. There are several new tuba players this year, in fact there are 7 of us in concert band...I'm about to die in there! Not only is the music very easy, but these new guys are having the normal trouble with CC tubas...the joys of being a freshman. So now Dr. Creasap wants me to do something with them, hopefully this will solve all of our problems then. I'm going to add a new link to my side bar hope you all enjoy, but right now I'm off to Baird to do some praise and worship singing! Take it easy!
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Sunday, September 05, 2004
End of Story
So to finally finish this stupid story, the semester went on and we were inseparable...until my birthday. While at a recital Kristina started talking with some of her sisters in SAI, and they said she should go clubbin' with them. So she promised them the next time they go she would go, they said ok, we're going this thursday, March 4th. Kristina says ok, then leans back in her seat, then looks at me and realizes that March 4th is my birthday. Well, not much can be done now so I assure her it's all right that she goes, and when my birthday does roll around I wake up with a kidney stone...welcome to 20 Ryan! So Chris has to take me to the emergency room, and my dad drove up. I called Kristina while I was there and she came (still don't understand that one). That night I went to Logan's apartment and they had a little party for me, which if you all didn't know already thank you, it was beautimous. While I was there Kristina came by and asked to borrow my car because she didn't have room for all the people in hers. Of course, I let her borrow it, not my jeep, but my parents explorer! Then about a week ago, my friend Kayla told me that Kristina had people drinking in my parents car!!! She wasn't drinking, but the people riding with her were, and they even spilt some. I can't believe she would allow that, well actually I can now. This is only the beginning of the down hill ride. That weekend a bunch of us went out to celebrate our friend Ashley's birthday. This is where Moose gave Kristina the letter of how he felt, and when she later told me it's when she started thinking about all the good times her and Moose had our freshman year. Happy Birthday to me! But I'm glad now. The semester went on with this silent tension between Moose and I, and Kristina just added to it. One day Moose was ahead, and the next I was. She caused me so much drama...I had to take the day off one day because I was ready to go off on someone, and I didn't want that. The thing is, I was with the one person who was making me feel this way, Kristina. I was extremely lucky that she left for boot early, and that I always had my big to turn to. This kept me from totally relaying on Kristina like she wanted me to do. Finally, Moose and I caught on and before she left we kind of confronted her, but we let it go because we didn't want to lose her. The summer went on, and we wrote her letters, and she continued to play us, telling us each that she loved us and missed us. Well, Moose went to her graduation, and he had thought about proposing to her at graduation but a little voice in his head said wait and see what she's like, and a good thing he did. Kristina was not excited to see him, and barely gave him a hug. Yet, when she saw one of her recruiters she ran up to him, jumped on him and kissed him on the cheek. As they were driving back, Moose called me and Kristina took the phone, wow talk about no life. It's like she had no soul, just an empty shell of a person. I really didn't care though, thanks to my trip to Europe I was getting over Kristina, and thank God for that! Moose stayed the night at her grandparents, but the next day he had to leave...he couldn't stand it, she was so different. That next Monday was a DCI show in Winchester, Kristina was going, and had asked if I was going. I didn't think I was at the time, but then Moose and my big called me and said I should go with them. So I did, and I told Kristina I was going to be there, but I didn't mention Moose going because he didn't want to see her. We got there and we saw our brother Matt Smith, who dated Kristina before us, there. As the show went on Moose turned around and saw Kristina talking to Matt, and saw Matt point us out. Guess what, she didn't come down and talk with us. The show finished, and Moose and I were helping Matt clean up and I get a call. At the time I was running behind Matt's truck making sure the tables wouldn't fall out, so I tell her I'll call her back once we stop. We finish and are talking to Matt and one of Southwind's tech's when this person comes up behind me and just stands there. I knew it was Kristina, but I wanted to see if she would say something or wait till I turned around...she waited. So I turn around and talk to her, and she has this nervous twitch and keeps saying I have to go, and gives me this bull about her not being able to show emotion in uniform. Then as she leaves she gives me this pitiful excuse of a hug, and then sees a girl from Southwind, walks over, and gives her a hug. WHAT IN THE WORLD! I know that you aren't supposed to disgrace the uniform or show too much emotion, but that ticked me off. Also, she never acknowledge my big who was standing there waving! How can you say you care about a person, but not care about the people they care about? After this we went to Sonic and had a Kristina bashing fest! When we worked Mason Co.'s camp that next week Moose and I stayed up till about 2 in the morning making fun of her, it was so awesome! Life has definitely been great since she's been gone, but she did make the mistake to call both Moose and I in one night, hoo hah! Now she is supposedly going to Iraq so I end this post and this story with this: Leaving on a jet plane, don't care if she ever comes back again! :D
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