Saturday, June 12, 2004
Yes! I got into my motorcycle class that I wanted! When I first tried to get into this class the lady there said it was full, but they might be able to get another teacher, so she put my name down and would call me if it opened up...and it did! This took place I believe Tuesday, but I haven't been in the mood to blog. Sorry, but I just wanted to keep you all in suspense lol :D. Anyways, everything is going pretty good. My parents decided to move on into the kitchen for remodeling. This meant that I couldn't go to Morehead and hang out with some of my bro's, but you've got to do what you've got to do. Hopefully tomorrow my dad will help me on some basic motorcycle stuff, I plan on getting my permit sometime next week, then my class is that Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. If I pass I can go Monday and they will give me my license! We would have done some today, but after dinner we went to see my aunts house to see her remodeling job. And of course you can't get my family together for just a short time, lol. But it's all good, well that's all for now, take it easy.
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