Wednesday, May 12, 2004
The Joys Of Settling Back In...
Ah, you know I'm glad to be out of school, but I really didn't want to bring all of my stuff back...and half of Chris' stuff *shaking fist*. I've still got things in boxes, and to make things worse MY computer decides that it doesn't want to use it's modem, so I guess it's back to the shop with it, meh. Some good news though is I will be working the second week of Mason Co. camp! Woohoo! Hear that big, I'll be joining you on the second week. I also hope to be getting a new cell phone at the end of May, I don't really need a new one, but I guess it's just a guy thing with wanting new toys lol. My grades were all right, came out with a 3.54...which is a little better than my big ;). But I'm looking forward to some great things this summer, I just hope they all happen lol. Well take it easy, I'm off to enjoy my break!
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